S.L.I. Tecnologías de la Información - E.I.B.


enero 21, 2008

Six Techniques to Get More from the Web than Google Will Tell You

The Internet has changed research dramatically. Now, it’s hard to resist defaulting to search engines, especially Google, as its capabilities grow. But you miss opportunities to get valuable insights into IT topics if you rely only on search engines.

Professional librarians and researchers will tell you that the Web has many unexplored opportunities for finding more information on business topics: Six techniques to improve your research results:

1. Use Search Engines and Wikipedia to Find Quality Research Sources
2. Search Blogs for Specialized Experts Who Sift Through the Web for You
3. Study Business School Websites
4. Find Statistical Data on Government Sources
5. Research Trade Groups and Online Publications for Current Topics, Best Practices
6. Visit the Library for More Research Sources and Online Data

Fuente: Margaret Locher, CIO

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Alejandro Uribe Tirado dijo...

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